Erases a point on the graph screen.
PtOff x, y
Menu Location
This command can't be found in any menu besides the command catalog.
This command works on all calculators.
2 bytes
The PtOff command erases a point on the graph screen. It uses point coordinates, which means that the result is determined by window variables: the x-coordinate must be between xmin and xmax, and the y-coordinate must be between ymin and ymax (with (xmin,ymin) being the bottom left and (xmax,ymax) the top right corner).
Unlike pixel commands such as PxlOff, however, PtOff won't give an error if the coordinates happen to be outside these bounds — it simply won't have any effect.
Advanced Uses
PtOff can also be used with two lists of the same size. In that case, it will erase the points for every pair of elements (xlist[n], ylist[n]).