Multiplies together the evaluations of an expression with one variable taking on a range of values.
∏(expression, variable, start, end)
Menu Location
- Press 2nd MATH to enter the MATH popup menu.
- Press B to enter the Calculus submenu.
- Press 5 to select ∏(.
This command works on all calculators.
2 bytes
∏() is used to multiply a sequence of numbers. ∏(expression, variable, start, end) will evaluate expression for variable=start, then for variable=start+1, all the way through variable=end, and multiply the results:
In this way, ∏() is no different from taking product() of a sequence generated by seq(). However, ∏() can be used for more abstract calculations — for instance, when start or end is an undefined variable, it will try to find the product in terms of that variable. ∏() can also be used to find the product of an infinite series (just make the value of end infinity — ∞).