Tests if either of two conditions is true.
Can also be used as a bitwise "or" on integers.
condition1 or condition2
integer1 or integer2
Menu Location
- Press 2nd MATH to enter the MATH popup menu.
- Press 8 to enter the Test submenu.
- Press 9 to select or.
This command works on all calculators.
1 byte
The "or" operator combines two conditions into one, which will be true if either side is true, and false if both are false. You can create these conditions with the relational operators =, ≠, >, ≥, <, and ≤, with functions such as isPrime(), pxlTest(), and ptTest(), or with any other expression that returns 'true' or 'false'. Other operators for dealing with conditions are and, xor, and not.
:2+2=4 or 1=0
:2+2=5 or 1+1=3
The operator can also be applied to integers, treating them as 32-bit signed integers (larger integers will be truncated to fit) expressed in binary. The bits will be matched up, and "or" will be applied to the bits individually — a bit in the result will be 1 if either of the two corresponding bits of the original integers was 1, and 0 otherwise.
:(0b11111100 or 0b00111111)▶Bin
:256 or 512
In complicated logical expressions (both with conditions and with integers), "and" has greater priority than the others ("or" and "xor"). For instance, X or Y and Z will be interpreted as X or (Y and Z).
Error Conditions
60 - Argument must be a Boolean expression or integer happens when the data type is incorrect (or mismatched).