Calculates several summary statistics for a list.
OneVar list[,freq,arg3,arg4]
Menu Location
- Press 2nd MATH to enter the MATH popup menu.
- Press 6 to enter the Statistics submenu.
- Press 1 to select OneVar.
This command works on all calculators.
3 bytes
The OneVar command generates some summary statistics for a list. In its simplest form, it takes one argument — a list variable to analyze (it won't work with a list expression). It will store results to the following system variables:
- $\bar{x}$ — the average, as given by mean()
- Σx — the sum, as given by sum()
- Σx2 — the sum of squares
- Sx — the sample standard deviation, as given by stdDev()
- σx — the population standard deviation, as given by stDevPop()
- nStat — the length of the list, as given by dim()
- minX — the smallest element, as given by min()
- q1 — the first quartile
- medStat — the median, as given by median()
- q3 — the third quartile
- maxX — the largest element, as given by max()
It won't actually display any of these results without prompting (although you could check the variables to find out their values). To display all of these statistics, use the ShowStat command.
Advanced Uses
The OneVar command takes up to 4 list arguments. The second argument, if present, is a list of frequencies. This must be the same length as the first list, and if it's there, its Nth element indicates how many times the Nth element of the first list should be counted. The calculator has no problems accepting zero or fractional numbers as frequencies.
The third and fourth arguments don't actually have an application. Their intention is to divide the elements into several categories: the third list would indicate which category each element of the data list falls under, and the fourth list would be a list of categories. However, this was apparently never implemented, and adding these lists doesn't affect the output.
Error Conditions
230 - Dimension happens when either the data list is {}, or the frequency list only contains 0s.
240 - Dimension mismatch happens when the frequency list (or the category list) isn't the same length as the data list.
260 - Domain happens when the frequency list contains negative elements.