Mode Settings
These are the settings that can be used with setMode() and getMode(), with a brief explanation. The 'Number' field refers to an alternate string that can be used for compatibility with other language versions.
Tables are also given for the setGraph() and setTable() commands.
Table for setMode() and getMode()
Setting | Number | Meaning |
"Graph" | "1" | The type of equations that can be graphed |
"FUNCTION" | "1" | Graphs functions of the form y(x) by connecting points (x,y(x)) for all x. |
"PARAMETRIC" | "2" | Graphs functions of the form x(t), y(t) by connecting points (x(t),y(t)) for a range of t. |
"POLAR" | "3" | Graphs functions r(θ) where θ is the angle with the x-axis and r is the radius. |
"SEQUENCE" | "4" | Graphs possibly recursive functions u(n) in several ways. |
"3D" | "5" | Graphs functions of the form z(x,y) on 3-dimensional x, y, and z axes. |
"DIFF EQUATIONS" | "6" | Graphs solutions and slope fields for simple differential equations. |
"Display Digits" | "2" | Number of digits that are displayed in decimal output |
"FIX #" | "1"-"13" | Displays a fixed number of digits after the decimal, # can be 0 to 12. |
"FLOAT" | "14" | Equivalent to "FLOAT 12". |
"FLOAT #" | "15"-"26" | Displays up to # digits total, omitting final zeros after the decimal. # can be 1 to 12. |
"Angle" | "3" | The default angle format for trigonometric functions |
"RADIAN" | "1" | Most common for mathematicians: a full circle is equal to 2π radians. |
"DEGREE" | "2" | Common for non-mathematicians: a full circle is equal to 360 degrees. |
"GRADIAN" | "3" | (Requires AMS 3.10) An uncommon format in which a full circle is equal to 400 gradians. |
"Exponential Format" | "4" | How large floating-point numbers are displayed |
"NORMAL" | "1" | Most numbers are displayed in the normal way; large numbers use scientific notation. |
"SCIENTIFIC" | "2" | All numbers are displayed as mantissa*10^exponent (E stands in place of *10^). |
"ENGINEERING" | "3" | Similar to scientific notation, except exponent must be a multiple of 3. |
"Complex Format" | "5" | How complex numbers are handled |
"REAL" | "1" | The Non-real result error happens if the result of an expression is complex. |
"RECTANGULAR" | "2" | Complex numbers are written as x+yi. |
"POLAR" | "3" | Complex numbers are written as reθi. |
"Vector Format" | "6" | The coordinate system used for vectors (2x1, 3x1, 1x2, or 1x3 matrices) |
"RECTANGULAR" | "1" | Vectors are displayed just like any other matrix. |
"CYLINDRICAL" | "2" | Vectors are displayed in [r ∠ θ] or [r ∠ θ z] format. |
"SPHERICAL" | "3" | Vectors are displayed in [r ∠ θ] or [r ∠ θ ∠ φ] format. |
"Pretty Print" | "7" | How mathematical formulas are displayed |
"OFF" | "1" | Pretty print is disabled: formulas are displayed the way they are typed. |
"ON" | "2" | Pretty print is enabled: formulas are displayed the way they would be on paper. |
"Split Screen" | "8" | Whether one or two screens are used |
"FULL" | "1" | The entire screen is devoted to one task. |
"TOP-BOTTOM" | "2" | The screen is split into top and bottom halves devoted to separate applications. |
"LEFT-RIGHT" | "3" | The screen is split into left and right halves. |
"Split 1 App" | "9" | The first (or only) app on the screen |
(Apart from the defaults: "Home", "Graph", etc. the apps depend on what's installed, and aren't numbered.) | ||
"Split 2 App" | "10" | The second app on the screen |
(Apart from the defaults: "Home", "Graph", etc. the apps depend on what's installed, and aren't numbered.) | ||
"Number of Graphs" | "11" | Whether a second graphing mode, available if the screen is split, is enabled |
"1" | "1" | There is only one graphing mode. |
"2" | "2" | There are two graphing modes. |
"Graph 2" | "12" | The second graphing mode |
(See the "Graph" setting for the options here — they are the same) | ||
"Split Screen Ratio" | "13" | The ratio of sizes between the two parts of a split screen |
"1:1" | "1" | The two parts are equal. |
"1:2" | "2" | The second part is twice the size of the first. |
"2:1" | "3" | The first part is twice the size of the second. |
"Exact/Approx" | "14" | At which point the calculator switches into floating-point math |
"AUTO" | "1" | Exact results stay exact except to prevent overflow; floating-point numbers stay in floating-point. |
"EXACT" | "2" | All numbers are automatically converted to exact integers or fractions |
"APPROXIMATE" | "3" | All calculations are done in floating-point, as on the TI-83 series calculators. |
"Base" | "15" | The base in which integer calculations are displayed |
"DEC" | "1" | Integers are displayed in the usual (decimal) base, in their entirety. |
"HEX" | "2" | The lowest 32 bits of an integer are displayed in hexadecimal (base 16). |
"BIN" | "3" | The lowest 32 bits of an integer are displayed in binary (base 2). |
"Apps Desktop" | "16" | (requires AMS 2.07 or higher) The way applications are selected |
"OFF" | "1" | Applications are selected through a popup menu. |
"ON" | "2" | Applications are selected through a graphic interface. |
Table for setGraph()
Setting | Number | Meaning |
"Coordinates" | "1" | The coordinate system used for recording the cursor's location |
"RECT" | "1" | The standard (x,y) coordinates are displayed and stored to xc and yc. |
"POLAR" | "2" | The polar (r,θ) coordinates are displayed and stored to rc and θc (standard coordinates are also stored). |
"OFF" | "3" | No coordinates are displayed, although the standard (x,y) coordinates are still stored. |
"Graph Order" | "2" | The order in which different equations are graphed |
"SEQ" | "1" | Different equations are graphed one after the other. |
"SIMUL" | "2" | Different equations are graphed simultaneously. |
"Grid" | "3" | Whether the grid is displayed |
"OFF" | "1" | The grid is not displayed. |
"ON" | "2" | The grid is displayed. |
"Axes" | "4" | Whether the axes are displayed |
"OFF" | "1" | The axes are not displayed. |
"ON" | "2" | The axes are displayed. |
"AXES" (3D mode) | "2" | The axes are displayed. |
"BOX" (3D mode) | "3" | A 3D box is displayed outside the graph. |
"Leading Cursor" | "5" | Whether the crosshair cursor is displayed when graphing |
"OFF" | "1" | The cursor is not displayed. |
"ON" | "2" | The cursor is displayed. |
"Labels" | "6" | Whether the axes are labeled |
"OFF" | "1" | The axes aren't labeled. |
"ON" | "2" | The axes are labeled. |
"Seq Axes" | "7" | (in Sequence graphing mode) How the sequences are graphed |
"TIME" | "1" | Each sequence is graphed with n on the x-axis and ui(n) on the y-axis. |
"WEB" | "2" | A web diagram of one sequence is graphed. |
"Custom" | "3" | The variables for the x-axis and y-axis can be selected. |
"Solution Method" | "8" | (in Differential Equation mode) How solutions are estimated |
"RK" | "1" | Runge-Kutta is used to estimate solutions. |
"EULER" | "2" | Euler's method is used to estimate solutions. |
"Fields" | "9" | (in Differential Equation mode) Whether a slope field is displayed |
"SLPFLD" | "1" | A slope field is displayed. |
"DIRFLD" | "2" | A directed slope field is displayed. |
"FLDOFF" | "3" | No field is displayed. |
"DE Axes" | "10" | (in Differential Equation mode) How the axes are defined |
"TIME" | "1" | yi(t) is plotted against t. |
"Y1-VS-Y2" | "2" | y1(t) is plotted against y2(t). |
"T-VS-Y'" | "3" | t is plotted against yi'(t). |
"Y-VS-Y'" | "4" | yi(t) is plotted against yi'(t). |
"Y1-VS-Y2' | "5" | y1(t) is plotted against y2'(t). |
"Y1'-VS-Y2'" | "6" | y1'(t) is plotted against y2'(t). |
XR Style | "11" | (in 3D mode) How the 3D effect is achieved |
"WIRE FRAME" | "1" | A wire frame graph is displayed. |
"HIDDEN SURFACE" | "2" | A non-transparent 3D surface is displayed. |
"CONTOUR LEVELS" | "3" | The contours of a 3D graph are displayed. |
"WIRE AND CONTOUR" | "4" | A combination of wire frame and contour levels is displayed. |
"IMPLICIT PLOT" | "5" | The graph is plotted implicitly. |
Table for setTable()
Setting | Number | Meaning |
"Graph <-> Table" | "1" | Source for automatic table values |
"OFF" | "1" | Automatic table values are based on tblStart and Δtbl. |
"ON" | "2" | Automatic table values are the same as those used to graph the equation. |
"Independent" | "2" | Whether the automatic table values are used |
"AUTO" | "1" | Use the automatic table values (as above) for the independent variable. |
"ASK" | "2" | Enter values for the independent variable manually, ignoring other table settings. |