Returns the floor of a number.
Menu Location
- Press 2nd MATH to enter the MATH popup menu.
- Press 1 to enter the Number submenu.
- Press 6 to select floor(.
This command works on all calculators.
1 byte
The floor() command rounds a number down to the nearest integer less than or equal to the number. For instance, floor(π) returns 3, while floor(-π) returns -4.
The command is an alias for int(): they do the exact same thing. The calculator prefers using floor() (in fact, int() will be converted to floor() in symbolic expressions); int() is left over from earlier calculator models. Other rounding commands include:
- ceiling() — like floor(), but always rounds up (to the next higher integer).
- iPart() — truncates a number to just its integer part (or, if you prefer, rounds a number toward 0).
- round() — rounds to a specific place value, not just to an integer, but round(x,0) will round x to the nearest integer, up or down.
floor() can also be applied to complex numbers, lists, and matrices, rounding everything that there is to round in each of them.
{-4 3}