This table lists all the possible error messages that can occur. The error number to the left is not displayed, but is stored to the errornum system variable, which can be used in a Try..EndTry block. Some error messages are very explicit (like # 810), but others are less so. Where the error message itself gave too little information, this table explains the error more thoroughly.
A large part of the information here was taken from Appendix B of the TI-89 manual.
Error Number | Error Description |
10 | A function did not return a value |
20 | A test did not resolve to TRUE or FALSE This error usually occurs when comparing an undefined variable, in a statement such as If. |
30 | Argument cannot be a folder name |
40 | Argument error |
50 | Argument mismatch Two of the arguments must be of the same type. For example, PtOn can be used with two numbers, or two lists. But a number and a list can't be used together. |
60 | Argument must be a Boolean expression or integer For use with logic commands such as or They can be applied to two truth values, or bitwise to two integers. |
70 | Argument must be a decimal number |
80 | Argument must be a label name |
90 | Argument must be a list |
100 | Argument must be a matrix |
110 | Argument must be a Pic |
120 | Argument must be a Pic or string Happens with a Title used in a toolbar. The "Pic" part only applies to the widescreen calculators, not the 89 or 89 Titanium |
130 | Argument must be a string |
140 | Argument must be a variable name This can also indicate an invalid variable name such as 1xy. |
150 | Argument must be an empty folder name Folders can't be deleted if they're not empty. |
160 | Argument must be an expression For example, zeros(2x+3=0,x) is not valid because 2x+3=0 is an equation. Use zeros(2x+3,x) instead — the =0 is implied with this command. |
161 | ASAP or Exec string too long This error is caused by the assembly program RAM limit. The limit is not present on HW1 calculators; on others, it's 8k with AMS 2.03 or lower, and 24k with AMS 2.04 or higher. If you try to run an assembly program that exceeds the limit, you'll get this error. |
163 | Attribute (8-digit number) of object (8-digit number) not found |
165 | Batteries too low for sending/receiving product code |
170 | Bound The lower bound must be less than the upper bound. This error can happen, for example, with the zero finder on the graph. |
180 | Break The ON key was pressed during a calculation or while running a program. This error usually can't be caught by Try..EndTry blocks, unless it happens in a text prompt. |
185 | Checksum error |
190 | Circular definition Circular definitions of a variable are caught: for example, a+1→a (if a is undefined). But circular definitions of a function are handled by a limit on recursion depth. |
200 | Constraint expression invalid See the page for the | (with) operator for more details. |
210 | Data type An argument is of the wrong data type. |
220 | Dependent limit The same variable can't be used as both an integration variable and a bound. For example, ∫(sin(x),x,0,x) wouldn't be allowed. |
225 | Diff Eq setup |
230 | Dimension An index went out of the bounds of a list or matrix. For example, list[5] when list is equal to {1,2,3,4}. |
240 | Dimension mismatch Some commands require their list or matrix arguments to match in size. For example, you can't add the lists {1,2} and {1,2,3}. |
250 | Divide by zero Take that, James Anderson! |
260 | Domain error Some commands only accept numbers within a certain range. For example, ans() only works with numbers 1-99. |
270 | Duplicate variable name |
280 | Else and ElseIf invalid outside If..Then block Well, actually, Try..EndTry blocks also use Else. But you didn't hear me say that. |
290 | EndTry is missing the matching Else statement |
295 | Excessive iteration Happens when an iterative solver runs for too long without finding a solution. This usually means there isn't one, except in truly horrible cases. |
300 | Expected 2 or 3-element list or matrix This happens with commands that deal with 2 or 3-dimensional vectors. |
307 | Flash application extension (function or program) not found |
308 | Flash application not found |
310 | First argument of nSolve must be a univariate expression English translation: the only undefined variable that can be in nSolve()'s expression is the one you're solving for. |
320 | First argument of solve or cSolve must be an equation or inequality For example, solve(2x+3,x) is invalid because 2x+3 isn't an equation. Of course, zeros() has exactly the opposite problem. |
330 | Folder Sometimes the calculator likes being laconic. This error happens in the VAR-LINK menu if a variable is stored to a folder that doesn't exist. |
335 | Graph functions y1(x)..y99(x) not available in Diff Equations mode |
345 | Inconsistent units |
350 | Index out of range |
360 | Indirection string is not a valid variable name |
380 | Invalid ans() That is, that many answers haven't been stored yet. |
390 | Invalid assignment |
400 | Invalid assignment value |
405 | Invalid axes |
410 | Invalid command |
420 | Invalid folder name |
430 | Invalid for the current mode settings |
440 | Invalid implied multiply The syntax a(b) is only used for function calls, not for multiplying a and b. If a is not a defined function, the calculator assumes you tried to multiply, and gives this error. |
450 | Invalid in a function or current expression A user-defined function can't change global variables, or use certain commands. This also happens in prompts, such as the Data/Matrix Editor. |
460 | Invalid in Custom..EndCustm block |
470 | Invalid in Dialog..EndDlog block |
480 | Invalid in Toolbar..EndTBar block |
490 | Invalid in Try..EndTry block |
500 | Invalid label Label names have the same limitations as variable names. |
510 | Invalid list or matrix Lists can only be 1-dimensional (lists) or 2-dimensional (lists of lists). Lists of lists are matrices, and any non-rectangular stuff (e.g. {1,{2,3}}) is not allowed. |
520 | Invalid outside Custom..EndCustm or Toolbar..EndTBar blocks |
530 | Invalid outside Dialog..EndDlog, Custom..EndCustom, or Toolbar..EndTBar blocks |
540 | Invalid outside Dialog..EndDlog block |
550 | Invalid outside function or program |
560 | Invalid outside Loop..EndLoop, For..EndFor, or While..EndWhile blocks |
570 | Invalid pathname |
580 | Invalid polar complex You might think that this is a prohibition against building military bases on the North Pole. Actually, this is used with the ∠ command. For example, (i∠2) is invalid. |
590 | Invalid syntax block For the miscellaneous errors with Dialog..EndDlog, Custom..EndCustm, and Toolbar..EndTBar blocks. |
600 | Invalid table |
605 | Invalid use of units |
610 | Invalid variable name in a Local statement Reserved variables, for example, can't be made local. |
620 | Invalid variable or function name The variable name is being used for a built-in function. |
630 | Invalid variable reference |
640 | Invalid vector syntax |
650 | Link transmission |
665 | Matrix not diagonalizable |
670 or 673 | Memory |
680 | Missing ( |
690 | Missing ) |
700 | Missing " |
710 | Missing ] |
720 | Missing } |
730 | Missing start or end of block syntax For example, an If without an EndIf to go with it. |
740 | Missing Then in the If..EndIf block |
750 | Name is not a function or program |
765 | No functions selected |
780 | No solution found Most commands usually think of something clever to return, instead. So this error only occurs with the interactive graph tools. |
790 | Non-algebraic variable in expression |
800 | Non-real result Only happens if the calculator is in real number mode. |
810 | Not enough memory to save current variable. Please delete unneeded variables on the Var-Link screen and re-open editor as current OR re-open editor and use F1 8 to clear editor. |
830 | Overflow The possible range of a floating point number is between -101000 and 101000 (not inclusive). However, sometimes an overflow is replaced by infinity instead. |
840 | Plot setup |
850 | Program not found |
860 | Recursion is limited to 255 calls deep |
870 | Reserved name or system variable System variables cannot be deleted, for example. |
875 | ROM-resident routine not available |
880 | Sequence setup |
885 | Signature error |
890 | Singular matrix |
895 | Slope fields need one selected function and are used for 1st-order equations only |
900 | Stat Statistics. |
910 | Syntax An expression or entry just doesn't make sense. For example, 2+2+. |
930 | Too few arguments |
940 | Too many arguments |
950 | Too many subscripts "Too many" is more than two. |
955 | Too many undefined variables |
960 | Undefined variable |
965 | Unlicensed product software or Flash application |
970 | Variable or Flash application in use |
980 | Variable is locked, protected, or archived |
990 | Variable name is limited to 8 characters |
1000 | Window variables domain |
1010 | Zoom |
1020 | Internal Error |
1030 | Protected memory violation |