Raises a value to a power, doing this element-by-element for matrices.
base .^ exponent
Menu Location
- Press 2nd MATH to enter the MATH menu.
- Press 4 to enter the Matrix submenu.
- Press K to enter the Element ops submenu.
- Press 1 to select .+.
…frankly, just typing it is way easier.
This command works on all calculators.
1 byte
The .^ operator is generally the same as ^, except when dealing with matrices. While ^ does quite a lot of matrix-specific stuff (check out its page for more information), .^ just applies it element-by-element:
:[a,b;c,d] .^ 2
[a^2 b^2]
[c^2 d^2]
The command can handle any choice of matrix and scalar as the base and exponent. However, if you're raising a constant number to a matrix power, be careful that the dot in .^ is not confused for a decimal point, by adding extra spaces:
Error: Data type
:2 .^ [a,b;c,d]
[2^a 2^b]
[2^c 2^d]
Although this doesn't come up often, be aware that .^, like ^, is evaluated from right to left: a.^b.^c is calculated as a.^(b.^c), not as (a.^b).^c.
Error Conditions
240 - Dimension mismatch happens when a matrix is raised to the power of another matrix, with different dimensions.